Level design is something that is constantly changing and advancing through generations. With the first era of games, only a single dimension and limited graphics meant levels generally tended to be platformers.
At the time these game still remain timeless classics, look how far Mario has come and that started as a basic 2 sidescroller. I guess the developers had to make do with what they had, but still came up with intuitive techniques to keep the player interested.
Its not like platformers still cant be innovative in this generation . Games like 'Limbo' and 'Little Big Planet' based on a 2d environment still managse to create a uniquicly interesting world.
But with the task of creating 3d worlds, the developer has to make informed decision to ensure that this 3d space is used appropriately.
A lot of games take advantage of this 3d space, making the player explore vertically aswell as horizontally across the terrain.
rather than just running through corridors or around flat planes.
The Uncharted and Assassins Creed series instantly spring to mind as games which are vertically challenged. Both lean on their climbing mechanic allowing the player to traverse the landscape anyway they want, adding a rare layer of gameplay aaaand, ultimately making the game so much more immersive, fully interacting with everything in the level.
In competitive team games , levels have to present a tactical side to them. Which areas should be confined/ open, where vantage points are and layout for a particular area, are all factors which developers have to take into account.
Counter Strike, has always had a solid level design, making a selection of its maps timeless ( released again in sequals and mods on other games )
I think the reason these maps so great, is that from the very start you are given a choice, A or B. then each encounter from there requires a different approach due to the layout of the level.
Whats amusing is when once side isn’t doing so well so players from that team frantically type
Trying to getting everyone onboard to rush in one direction in hope of victory
Open world games are the ultimate challenge for a level designer (imho) never mind building a poxy level but a whole freggin city !
Sandbox games, such as Grand Theft Auto or Skyrim, forces the designers to take a whole different approach into how they develop the world. Ultimately it has to satisfy and sutain the player which is realised into it, and will pretty much do to it whatever the hell they feel like.
I thought it was slightly cool how Liberty City was developed. The first thing the developers did was to basically just block out and build a realistic City. It was only after this where areas would tweaked to be used as settings for pre-existing mission ideas. Very efficient way of working me thinks.
Well, they ended up with one of the most visceral, believable game worlds ever created !
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