Monday, 16 April 2012

Documentation FMP dry-run

Brief A cover based game released for current gen gaming platforms; Xbox 360, PS3 & PC. I will be using Cryengine 3 to develop this level. Mainly due to its lighting capabilities and I would like experience working with alternate game engine.

As this is a stealth based game set during the eveing/night, use of lighting has to be sufficient in order to present a tactical side. Strategically placed areas of light and dark, keeping a balance between areas where the player can be concealed in darkness and exposed in light.  

This game appeals to anyone who is a fan of the splinter cell games, particualary chaos theory, appealing to players who enjoy stealthy gameplay.

I will need to explore ways of creating convincing water also, making sure its looks realistic.

Setting Staring on one end of the shipping yard, the player has to transverse the environment proceeding along the train tracks up on to a freighter, on which they have to make their way down into the engine bay to sabotage the engines.

Most of the basic environment will be made from tilesets so the level can be modularly put together saving time. All pieces will be 256x256 with a variety of texture including; concrete, gravel and tarmac. 

I will look at photography from existing shipping yards to get an idea for good composition of the level 

Environment & Props The Initial view of the level will be seemingly large and open, but the play space will be restricted by various assets. As shipping ports are usually cluttered with cargo containers, I can use these to my advantage as barriers on the edge of the map. The tri count should be relatively small on these assets (its just a box) but a larger 1024x1024 texture sheet may be needed as this asset will feature a lot in the level. Texture space can however be saved by adjusting the colour in the editor rather than having a whole new texture sheet.

Along the length of the freighter will be huge cranes dominating the environment. This will be a hero asset - high budget tri count built on a 2048x2048 texture sheet. There will be a lot of space in the middle of these cranes, to make use of this there will be a railway running underneath, with various train locomotives and carts. The tracks will also be modular so they can be placed and run anywhere through the level.  

Smaller assets will include standard, barrels, spare ship parts, land anchors, tyres, etc

Vehicle - The freighter ship, will placed as a static object next to the harbor. The hull, rails, cabins quarters and anything basic on the ship will be modelled as one piece. But some pieces like containers etc will be made separately so they can be placed anywhere. The ship will be large but the players path will be restricted so not that much of it can be explored. The player will see some of the deck but will decend a staircase down into the bowls to the engine room.  

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